Step 1. In the keyword search field, type a description of the kind of job you are looking for - such as a job title, job number and or a skill or qualification.
This search is a keyword search. This means that when you type your search words without quotation marks around the phrase, the search will return job listings that contain at least one of those words in either the job title or description.
Step 2. You have the option to select search now. Alternatively you can complete more fields to narrow your search.
You can improve your search results by following our job search tips or refine your search by using the advanced search.
To find jobs containing an exact phrase, put double quotation marks around the words.
For example, type "Policy officer" to search for all jobs containing that phrase either in the title or the description.
Alternatively you can use complex phrases, often called Boolean logic, to fine-tune your search.
For example, to return all jobs that contain the term marketing and either the word manager or director, type the following in the keyword search field: (manager OR director) AND marketing.
To improve your results, you can continue to revise the search as follows: (manager OR director) AND (marketing) NOT sales.
If you know the Job Number of the position you are interested in, you can use this to find it within the keyword search. A job number is listed on the advertisement.
If your search returns a large number of jobs, you can try adding more terms to the keyword field and search again.
Another great tip: exclude jobs containing certain keywords. Just type the word NOT before any terms you don't want. For example: contract NOT lawyer.
To find all jobs that fit your interests, you may need to broaden your keyword search. One way is to use the word OR between terms. If you are looking for a management position, for example, you could enter: manager OR director. This will return all jobs that contain either the word manager or the word director.
Complete as many fields as you wish to complete, understanding that the more fields completed the more refined your search will be.